Neatly Packaged.

Got a nice little package from Geo.F. Trumper. While it isn’t as big as my previous package (that’s what she said,) the attention to detail is awesome. And for someone like me, I love it when folks put thought into their products, especially when they’re as tiny as this!

Neatly packed away in the envelope, was this little pouch.


And neatly packed away in that…

Were these little buggers!


The fact that they weren’t just two little sample containers, but actually had their logo on the little sleeves? Man… That’s attention to detail. Most brands would leave out either the pouch or the sleeves, yet, they didn’t, and I dig it.

Big thanks to Rebecca at Geo.F. Trumper, for taking the time to send me the samples! I dig it! Review coming soon!

4 responses to “Neatly Packaged.

  1. Wow. Thats the real top notch stuff isnt it? Hmm i wonder how it smells and how it works. must real nifty, and smooth. hope you like it.

  2. Caterpillarnut

    Looked these guys up. Holy shit their shop is awesome! If I ever go to London I’ll definitely take a look in person.

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